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Can I get Sky TV without broadband?

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Last updated: 28 April 2022

Sky has long been one of the most popular providers of subscription TV in the UK. But to watch Sky TV, do you also need Sky Broadband? Or even any broadband at all?

Because Sky’s televisions services can be delivered over satellite, you can take out a TV plan from the telecoms provider without broadband from Sky or any other provider. 

However, your access to some goodies included in your Sky TV package, such as catch-up viewing, box sets and other on-demand content, and the integration of streaming sites like Netflix and iPlayer, will be limited if you don’t have a broadband connection at home.

Without the internet, Sky’s Q box will still allow you to view and record live television, but that’s about it. Without internet, you also won’t be able to use Sky Q Mini Boxes, which allow you to watch Sky on multiple screens at the same time.

If you have a broadband connection from another provider, you can still get Sky TV. Your Sky Q box will simply use that broadband connection to download catch-up and on-demand content. But you’ll want to ensure that broadband link is fast or you might be waiting hours for that content to download.


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Lauren Smith

Author: Lauren Smith

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